The Biopsychosocial Model
Sorry for the delay in posts. Winter has not been kind for illness!
For those not familiar with the Biopsychosocial model I would recommend that you read the following article in relation to the to biopsychosocial model.
- Gatchel RJ, Peng YB, Peters ML, Fuchs PN, Turk DC. The biopsychosocial approach to chronic pain: scientific advances and future directions. Psychological Bulletin (2007); 133 (4):581-624.
- Copies can be found on google scholar.
The following article is also of interest as it provides a perspective on how this model may now act as a “hinderance”.
- Quintner JL. Cohen ML, Buchanan D, Katz JD, Williamson OD. Pain medicine and its models: helping or hindering? Pain Medicine (2008);9(7):824-833.
- This article can be dowloaded from the Pain Australia site on this page
I have already posted about “Fear”. What I want to explore over the next few posts are how various psychosocial aspects can interact to influence the “bio” aspect of our patients. Concluding with how they all inter-relate.
So the posts might seem a bit disjointed for a little while…stick with me!