Spinal and Pelvic Pain

Non-Specific Low Back Pain
I thought that this Review article, by Balague et al (2012), was a wonderful outline of where we are at with regards to Non-Specific Low Back Pain. I would recommend those interested read the article in detail as obviously the vast majority of information below is cited by the authors. General Summary: The lifetime prevalence […]

Physiotherapy Management of Cervical Pain – Research Evidence
In a follow-up to the last post I thought it might be useful to provide some up to date research evidence in relation to Physiotherapy management of Cervical Pain. Obviously there are numerous research articles out there and it is impossible to know them all. I have limited what I present here mainly to systematic […]

Cervical and Scapula Muscle Dysfunction in Neck Pain – Research Evidence
Following on from the last post where I reviewed some of the literature on Brain Changes in the pain state, I thought it worthwhile to summarise what we know about cervical and scapula muscle dysfunction in neck pain. What does the research tell us? Jull (2011) Review article. A whiplash injury results in reduced range […]

Cervicogenic Headache
Cervicogenic Headache (CGH) is a common clinical occurrence. The first challenge being to identify if the patient is suffering from CGH as either the primary problem or as a component of a mixture of headache types. This is not always easy as purely basing it on subjective findings can be difficult. Assessment of Headaches From […]

Assessment of Dizziness
In my clinical experience it would appear that patients presenting with dizziness is not uncommon. Is there a protocol for assessment of dizziness? I am certainly not an expert on dizziness, but I think the following information is a key minimum to know when assessing a dizzy patient. From a physiotherapy perspective I think the […]

Classification of Radiculopathy and Peripheral Neuropathic Pain
Now before we start I want to state that most of my knowledge regarding this topic has developed from attending lectures/courses/practical sessions with Dr Toby Hall (Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist). I would encourage anyone reading this post to take any opportunity that arises to attend a course of Toby’s. He is a wealth of knowledge and […]
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